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薩布爾塔洛, 第比利斯, 喬治亞

薩布爾塔洛公寓套房 - 85平方公尺/1間專用衛浴
  1. hotel grade icon
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  3. hotel grade icon
  4. hotel grade icon
  5. hotel grade icon
  6. 5星級

入住時間 退房時間
2 人

0 ~ 0



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The apartment is located in the city center, access is easy and convenient. This region is considered the most prestigious areas in the center of Tbilisi -I. Vera, one of the oldest districts of Tbilisi, a city in the southwestern part of the river on the right side. Named after the river nearby. Sity historic early settlement name Vera. Sources Vere was first mentioned in the XIII century. Faith ran to Treialeti important strategic and trade and caravan route. XVIII century, this way of protection of the emergency unit, e. P. "Faith ravine on guard." XVII-XVIII centuries covered the territory of present Faith Mikhail Javakhishvili street (ex. Elbakidze origin) and street artist errors. XIX century, a new district - Vardisubani, Vake, Saburtalo, Akhalsheni. Vera area, stale XII-XIII centuries, built of light. St. Andrew's Church (d. J. Blue Monastery). River. Vera near the place where now the bridge until 1932, was built in the XVII century in otkhmaliani shuatsleb stone bridge. Currently, one of the central part of the Faith.

薩布爾塔洛公寓套房 - 85平方公尺/1間專用衛浴 google static map